Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Can a change in diet help reduce
hyperactivity in children?
Part two.

Having a hyperactive child, with symptoms such as disruptive and destructive behaviour, mood swings, temper tantrums, poor concentration and learning difficulties can leave parents exhausted and frustrated. Last week I mentioned that the use of drugs such as Ritalin to treat hyperactivity in children is on the increase. Ritalin can certainly help some children, giving them the ability to slow down, focus, and behave, however Lawrence. H. Diller M.D, a paediatrician who has written extensively on the subject, suggests Ritalin may treat problems of ‘brain chemistry’ in some children but will also mask social or environmental factors causing hyperactivity in many other children.

The Hyperactive Children’s Support Group believes that diet can have a lot to do with hyperactivity in many children. This article will explore the links between diet and hyperactive behaviour in two parts. Last week it discussed the effect of additives on children’s behaviour, and this week it will explore whether other foods can exasperate hyperactivity.

The idea that nutrition can affect children’s moods and behaviour is not new. However opinions in the medical community differ greatly. Many doctors still do not accept the link between nutrition and hyperactivity, and instead tend to look at other factors that can cause hyperactivity such as parenting style and problems at school. While environmental and social factors are likely to affect children’s behaviour and shouldn’t be dismissed, much research has suggested a dietary and nutritional approach to hyperactivity can provide amazing results. The link made between a rise in poor eating habits, and an increase of cases of obesity in children, is widely accepted. However poor diet and/or intolerances to certain foods could also provide an explanation for why it is estimated that 5% of school age children have ADHD or hyperactive behaviour.

Getting the right nutrients from foods is essential to aid children’s growth and development, and provides fuel for the brain and body. With many children eating diets high in fat, sugar, salt, and processed foods they may not be getting all the nutrients they need. ‘Food for the brain’ is a non profit educational charity which was created by nutritionists, doctors, and psychiatrists to research and educate people about nutrition and the links between food and behaviour and mood. They suggest there are many possible dietary reasons for hyperactive behaviour which could be explored before resorting to drug treatment. These reasons include: blood sugar problems, essential fat deficiencies, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and food allergies.

In the biggest survey of its kind, between September 2006 and July 2007, ‘Food for the brain’ surveyed parents of 10,000 children aged between 6 and 16 about their children’s eating habits and behaviour, and found a significant association between diet and behaviour. The survey provides strong evidence that a balanced diet which includes vegetables, oily fish, nuts, seeds, fruits and whole foods can improve children’s behaviour and their ability to concentrate and learn.

Blood sugar problems
The survey found that the children’s average consumption of sugary foods was 3.5 servings a day, which compared to an average 1 serving a week of green vegetables, and ½ a serving a week of nuts and seeds, shows that many of the children’s diets were not that well balanced. Of the surveyed children 45% had constant sugar cravings, and of those 44% had low attention spans and 37% had mood swings. When a child consumes lots of sweets, chocolates, refined carbohydrates, juices and fizzy drinks, without also eating fibre which can regulate the rate at which our bodies produce glucose, the blood sugar levels can fluctuate quite dramatically and affect their behaviour and ability to focus and concentrate. Patrick Holford who is a Professor of Nutrition at the University of Teesside was the head of the study, and he compared many of the children to jetfighters constantly refuelling with sugary snacks.

If you are thinking of reducing the sugar intake in your child’s diet, it’s important to note that cutting sugar out when a child is used to lots of sugary snacks, can cause withdrawal symptoms such as headaches. It is much better to do this gradually. One way to keep blood sugar levels balanced is to eat regularly, don’t skip breakfast, and to eat complex carbohydrates such as wholemeal bread, fruit, seeds and nuts, which release energy slowly as our bodies need it.

Essential fat deficiency
Not only have Omega 3 and 6 essential fats been promoted as being good for children’s brain health, researchers also suggest children with ADHD or hyperactivity may have more need for Omegas 3 and 6 as they are unable to absorb them properly. Other symptoms of a deficiency in these essential fats include excessive thirst, and dry skin. There are many studies which have supported the claim that Omegas 3 and 6 can help hyperactive children.

In the BBC’s documentary ‘Child of our times’ Professor Robert Winstone put this to the test, when he gave two children with different behavioural problems daily doses of fish oils. Three months later one boys’ aggressive behaviour had almost vanished, and the other boy who had been withdrawn had become outgoing and popular.

In another study undertaken by Oxford University, 41 children with ADHD symptoms aged 8 to 12 were given Omega 3 and 6 supplements, and after three months they were behaving and learning much better. The most valuable form of Omegas 3 and 6 can be found in fish. However if a child is a vegetarian then Omega 3 can be found in flax (available as a supplement) or pumpkin seeds, and Omega 6 can be found in evening primrose oil.

It’s important to note that a deficiency in some vitamins and minerals, as well as eating foods that the child may have an intolerance to, will inhibit the absorption of essential fats.

Vitamin and Mineral deficiencies
There have been many studies which have suggested children with hyperactivity are deficient in many of the essential vitamins and minerals.

‘Food for the brain’ put forward that children with hyperactive behaviour are often deficient in Zinc and Magnesium. Polish researchers found of 116 children with ADHD symptoms, 95% had low levels of magnesium. They gave some of the children 200mg of Magnesium for six months and found their hyperactive behaviour significantly decreased.

B vitamins are also essential for brain development and may be useful for children who are hyperactive. Vitamin B6, for example, stimulates serotonin release in the brain and Children with ADHD symptoms generally have lower serotonin levels.

Other minerals suggested as being important for children with hyperactive behaviour include selenium, (important for detoxification) and iron. Deficiencies in iron can result in shortened attention span and irritability.

Vitamins and minerals work in synergy with each other and their absorption is reliant on getting all the essential nutrients. If a child has intolerances to certain foods this can also inhibit absorption. Eating a well round balanced diet is the best way to provide a child with all the nutrients they need.

For more information on eating a balanced nutritious diet check out the Food Doctor’s information leaflet on hyperactivity and diet or click on the ‘Food for the brain’ children’s survey from their homepage and download a free leaflet ‘Smart food for Smart kids’ (see more information at the end of the article).

Food intolerances
As previously mentioned there is a lot of scepticism in the medical community about the relationship between diet and behaviour. The idea that certain foods may cause hyperactivity is hotly contested by many doctors. The main sticking point seems to be the difference between food allergies and food intolerances. If someone eats a food they are allergic too it is likely to produce severe immediate reactions, commonly associated with foods such as peanuts and shellfish. Food intolerances are also allergies, but produce symptoms that are not only delayed, but also less severe and not so easy to detect, such as hyperactivity.

According to ‘Food for the brain’ the link between hyperactivity and food allergies is the most established. A study undertaken by Georgetown University in Washington DC, found that children who had hyperactive symptoms were seven times more likely to have food allergies than children who weren’t hyperactive. An investigation by the Hyperactive Children’s Support group found that 50% of children with hyperactivity had allergies to cow’s milk, 60% to chocolate and 40% to oranges. If children eat foods they have an intolerance to, it will also inhibit the absorption of the essential nutrients, further compounding their symptoms.

As far back as the 1970’s Dr Ben Feingold suggested as well as additives, naturally occurring salicylates in some fruits could trigger hyperactivity. Foods with naturally occurring salicylates include: apples, avocados, peaches, blueberries, kiwi fruit, raspberries, dates, figs, plums, and grapefruit. Feingold’s theory has however been the subject of much criticism over the years.

In the 1990’s William G Crook M.D suggested an overgrowth of yeast is a factor that can exasperate hyperactive behaviour. He put forward an over subscription of antibiotics in early years, destroys friendly bacteria and creates an environment for yeast to thrive. Eating lots of sugar will also feed the yeast and encourage an overgrowth.

Other foods often found to induce behavioural changes include: diary products, wheat, corn, soya, peanuts and eggs. There are a number of ways to find out whether a child may have a sensitivity/intolerance to certain foods. One way is to follow an elimination diet where suspect foods are not eaten for a couple of weeks, and if this does not appear to make a difference then they can be re-introduced. By writing a food and mood diary, behaviour and relation to foods eaten can be monitored. It can take months for the foods to completely clear from a child’s system however if a child has an intolerance to a certain food then differences will be noticeable in a couple of weeks.

Another option is to visit a nutritionist, who can test for allergies/intolerances to certain foods. One of the ways they may do this is by practising Kinesiology, which uses muscle testing. Possible allergens are placed on a person’s body and in the case of an allergy the subject will not have the strength to resist even a gentle pressure on their limbs. For information on how to locate a nutritionist in your area see more information at the end of the article.


There has been lots of research supporting the link between hyperactivity and food; however there is not enough official information out there. Sally Bunday, founder of the Hyperactive Children’s Support group, says many doctors aren’t aware or just don’t accept the link between diet and behaviour and mood, and wonders how much more research needs to be done before it is accepted. Even though a link is often not acknowledged by the medical community, while researching for this article I found many case studies where parents have noticed a remarkable change in their children’s behaviour after addressing their diets. Looking at your child’s diet, eating less fat, sugar, and processed foods, and ensuring a balanced nutritious diet can do a lot to help hyperactivity, and surely it should be the first thing to try before reaching for the Ritalin.

“Let food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food”

For more information:

They are what you feed them, How food affects your child’s behaviour mood and learning by Dr Alex Richardson.

Food for the brain Food for the Brain - ADHD/hyperactivity

Food and behaviour research Food and Behaviour Research: Home

The food doctor Hyperactivity advice, health advice, The Food Doctor, The UK's leading nutrition clinic

Hyperactive Children’s Support group HOME (

For a nutritionist in your area:
Institute of Optimum Nutrition Nutrition Courses, Nutritional Therapy Education Advice Information, ION Institute for Optimum Nutrition

Association of Systematic-Kinesiology Association of Systematic Kinesiology

Please note: This article is not intended as advice, I am not medically qualified, however I have been interested in nutrition and alternative remedies for around 20 years, and I have done a lot of research into this area of interest.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Can a change in diet help reduce
hyperactivity in children?
Part one.

Having a hyperactive child, with symptoms such as disruptive and destructive behaviour, mood swings, temper tantrums, poor concentration and learning difficulties can leave parents exhausted and frustrated. For many parents they seek help from the doctor and may find their children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), and prescribed drugs such as Ritalin. Ritalin can certainly help some children, giving them the ability to slow down, focus, and behave, however is it always necessary? Lawrence. H. Diller M.D, a paediatrician who has written extensively on the subject, suggests Ritalin may treat problems of ‘brain chemistry’ in some children but will also mask social or environmental factors causing hyperactivity in many other children. Prescriptions for Ritalin have escalated dramatically over the past few years and Diller suggests other possible causes of hyperactivity should be explored before prescribing this amphetamine like drug.

For children who do have a chemical imbalance causing their hyperactivity, then Ritalin may well help however there are many other factors that can cause hyperactive behaviour. The Hyperactive Children’s Support Group believes that diet can have a lot to do with hyperactivity in many children. This article will explore the links between diet and hyperactive behaviour in two parts. This week it will discuss the effect of additives on children’s behaviour, and next week it will explore whether other foods can exasperate hyperactivity.

The links made between hyperactivity and additives have been around for many years. As far back as 1987 ‘E for additives’ by Maurice Hanssen and Jill Marsden and was a masive bestseller. It listed additives, gave information on which ones were natural, why they are added to food, as well as which ones could have potentially harmful effects. In the same year Dr Neil Ward from the University of Surrey found that out of 357 children with a diagnosis of hyperactivity, 82% had adverse reactions to artificial colours, and 72% to artificial preservatives. Since then many studies have been done on this subject. However this year research has been undertaken which is proving to be one of the most conclusive studies yet.

The study undertaken by the University of Southampton and commisioned by the Food Standards Agency, has concluded that there is a link between certain additives and an increase in hyperactivity in children. The study involved 153 children aged three, and 144 children aged eight and nine. Over a period of six weeks they were given either one of three drinks; two being a combination of different additives, and the other being a placebo. Recipients were selected to be representative of the range of behaviour in the general population. The study showed children on the additive mixes, which contained combinations of food colourings and sodium benzoate, did become more hyperactive, than the group given the placebo. The colours used in the drink mixes were; Sunset yellow (E110), Tartrazine (E102), Carmoisine (E122), Ponceau 4R (E124), Quinoline yellow (E104), and Allura red (E129).

Other studies conducted on the link between additives and hyperactivity, while supporting the link, have been not been so conclusive. A study undertaken on the Isle of Wight in 2002, similarly gave groups of children either an additive laden drink or a placebo. The parents were instructed their children should follow an additive free diet apart from the drinks during the study. The results were evaluated using parents accounts of their children’s behaviour and assessments undertaken by psychologists. While the parents reported a beneficial effect on hyperactive behaviour when additives were removed, the psychologists were not able to find any significant change in the behaviour of the children.

External factors were carefully controlled and monitored during the Southampton study. Parents were asked to cut out all additives in the children’s diet during the study. Compliance with the diet was monitored by the parents writing a diary indicating how many of the drinks the children were consuming, as well as accounts of any slip up’s when the children may have consumed additives in other foods. The behaviour of the children was assessed using a range of different measures. Weekly assessments were made, using a standardised rating system, by parents and teachers as well as independent assessors who observed the children three times a week. The older children were additionally assessed by using a computer-based attention task. The attention to detail in the study has produced conclusive results that the government and food producers cannot ignore.

While this study supports cutting out certain additives, Dr Andrew Wadge a chief scientist from the Food Standards Agency says we need to remember there could be other factors contributing towards hyperactivity in children such as; possible genetic reasons, or social factors including the children’s environment and upbringing. Due to these possible other influences Professor Jim Stevenson from Southhampton University; the author of the Study, suggests parents should not think simply cutting out additives will prevent hyperactivity. However he adds avoiding additives is something parents and children can do, which may well have a positive effect on behaviour.

The Southampton study has certainly brought the issue of additives in foods into the public arena again. However shouldn’t we be looking at banning these additives if they clearly can have such a damaging affect? The Food Standards Agency have been criticised for not acting on the study and proposing a ban on the additives involved, instead they have presented the research to the European Food Safety Authority and have agreed to wait for them to make a decision on whether to ban the additives in the study.

They have however revised their information on food additives which can be found at Food Standards Agency - Homepage Also in October of this year they held a meeting where groups such as the British Medical Association, the Food and Drink Association, and the Nutrition Society sat alongside representatives from Marks and Spencer, Morrisons, and Somerfield to discuss further action that could be taken to provide advice to parents on avoiding additives. As consumers are becoming more concerned about what goes into the food they buy, food manufacturers are taking note, and now producing a wide range of foods which claim to be additive and preservative free.

Many studies, including the Southampton study, have supported the claims that taking a dietary and nutritional approach to ADHD and hyperactivity is well worth trying. If your child is hyperactive, instead of trying the drug treatment route first, looking at their diet, and cutting out food laden with additives may well have a positive effect on children’s behaviour. With a wide range of foods claiming to be additive free this is now easier to do. One added benefit of taking this approach is it may result in children and parents eating a healthier diet. Eating an all round healthy diet and getting all the important nutrients from food, can put a stop to many health problems, and is vital to help children grow and develop. Next week I will investigate the claims that certain foods can help or aggravate hyperactive behaviour.

“Let food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food”

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Are prenuptial agreements a good idea?

The much reported feud between Heather Mills and Paul McCartney since their marriage broke up, has been in the news again over the last week. The Guardian reported on Saturday that in a marathon eight hour mediation session the couple failed to agree on a settlement. The main reason for the talks breaking down seems to be Ms Mills’s refusal to accept a confidentiality clause which would stop Ms Mills talking about their four year marriage or the financial settlement she receives. Although it’s reported that a provisional court date has been set for February, it seems they are still keen to reach an arrangement out of court, and see court as a last resort.

Unconfirmed reports have said Ms Mills would like a settlement figure of £50 million and that Sir Paul has offered less, however with the cost of high profile divorces increasing, there has been much media speculation suggesting she could awarded as much as £200million of Sir Paul’s £800million fortune. Princess Diana’s divorce settlement of £17million, 10 years ago seems like a mere pittance compared to today’s climate; with divorce settlements such as £48million, being paid out by John Charman (Insurance tycoon) last year, and £100million being paid out by Peter Harrison (Computer tycoon) in 2003. It may seem more important than ever, to embark on a prenuptial agreement. This article will discuss the pros and cons of drawing up a prenuptial agreement prior to getting married, and whether it would have actually made the divorce process for Sir Paul and Ms Mills easier.

Although not only for couples where there is financial inequality and extreme wealth involved, many lawyers are now advising wealthy clients to get a prenuptial agreement. A prenuptial may not only protect the financial assets of their clients, but also protect financial well being of children in a previous marriage. It sets financial expectations on the table, and eliminates conflicts over finances in the event of divorce. A prenuptial may prevent a messy bitter divorce, and possibly avoid upsetting any children involved.

Many Celebrities are embarking on prenuptial agreements. Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise did not have a prenuptial agreement before their marriage, which led to a bitter feud developing until they finally reached a settlement. Second time around Nicole Kidman drew up a prenuptial with her husband Keith Urban, which allows her to divorce him for free if he returns to drink and drugs. Her ex husband, Tom Cruise, also insisted on a prenuptial agreement before his marriage to Katie Holmes.

One case against prenuptial agreements is that they are unromantic and denote mistrust. They may suggest the partner asking for one is not as committed to the marriage. Katie Holmes, in response to Tom’s insistence to set up a prenuptial, was reported to have said she was head over heals in love with him and very upset that their love may not be equal. However because of the size of Tom’s fortune she felt she had no choice but to go along with it. After much negotiation between Katie’s solicitor father and Tom’s Lawyers, a prenuptial agreement was finally agreed upon. In Ms Mill’s case she claims she offered to sign a prenuptial agreement before her marriage to Sir Paul, however he turned it down as he felt it was unromantic.

Arlene Dubin, a New York lawyer, advises lovers to talk about a prenuptial early on in a relationship, and suggests it’s a myth that they denote a lack of love and trust. Whether prenuptial agreements ease the divorce proceedings, is however a hotly contested debate. Peter Wolf of Berg Legal says it is wrong for people to believe a prenuptial agreement will give them extra protection. In order for prenuptials to be considered in the break up of a marriage, they need to be fair to both parties, who should both seek legal advice, and also need to be based on a full and honest disclosure of partner’s assets.

Although prenuptial agreements have had an influence in divorce proceedings, they are not actually legally binding in this country. If there appears to be any trickery in the agreement, such as one partner saying they did not enter into an agreement voluntarily or under duress, then the agreement is worthless.

Jeremy Levision is one of the so called ‘magic circle’ of lawyers who represent wealthy clients in divorce proceedings. He has acted for Mandy Smith in her divorce with Bill Wyman in 1992, and Chris Tarrant’s estranged wife, among others. He is one of the many lawyers who are advising clients, where extreme wealth or inequality of wealth is involved, that it’s safer not to get married. If clients still want to go ahead with marriage, he will help with a prenuptial agreement, but suggests they still need to keep their fingers crossed.

Mark Harper another of the ‘magic circle’ is also in agreement with Mr Levision and advises clients who want a prenuptial agreement to not get married. It is becoming increasingly less likely in cases where extreme wealth is involved, to settle out of court, and whether the courts pay attention to prenuptial agreements, really does depend on the individual cases. They do not actually have to adhere to them at all.

There are certainly no clear answers as to whether it is worth drawing up a prenuptial agreement. Having a prenuptial agreement may have helped the McCartney/Mills divorce settlement run more smoothly. Clear expectations agreed upon at the onset of the marriage, may have helped limit the feud between them after their split. However they still may not be worth the paper they are written on. There is still no guarantee they wouldn’t have still disagreed about settlements, and in the case of that happening any prenuptial agreement would have been quite likely to be dismissed altogether.

With more extreme sums of money involved in divorce proceedings, more cases going to court, the appointment of prestigious lawyers, as well as the media interest divorces between celebrities invokes, maybe the best advice is not to get married at all.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Aloe Vera
Nature’s Treasure Chest

Often promoted as a miracle plant and natural healer, the health benefits of Aloe Vera have been well documented for many centuries. An Egyptian papyrus dated 1500BC discovered in 1862, was the earliest mention of the therapeutic effects of Aloe Vera. Egyptian Queens used Aloe Vera, as part of their beautifying rituals for its moisturising qualities. It is also thought that Alexander the Great conquered the island of Socrotra in the Indian Ocean, where Aloe Vera grew, so he could use it to treat his soldier’s wounds. Throughout history many people have had a lot to say about Aloe Vera, including Christopher Columbus (1451 – 1506) who said:

"Four vegetables are indispensable for the well being of man:
Wheat, the grape, the olive and aloe.
The first nourishes him, the second raises his spirit,
The third brings him harmony, and the fourth cures him"

Mahatma Gandhi (1869 – 1948) when asked what helped sustain him through his fasts replied:

“It was my unshakeable faith in God, my simple and frugal lifestyle, and the Aloe whose benefits I discovered upon my arrival in South Africa at the end of the nineteenth century".

Aloe Vera flourishes in warm and dry environments, and although it looks more like a cactus it is actually a member of the Lily family. It has the ability to stay moist by closing its pores to prevent moisture being lost. While there are over 200 varieties of Aloe, it is the ‘Aloe Barbadenisis Miller’ variety known as Aloe Vera, which is used for its medicinal qualities. The gel from the inner part of the leaf is extracted to make the Aloe Vera gel and liquid available today.

Aloe Vera is a powerhouse of nutritional compounds, with 75 vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids being so far identified by scientists. It seems to be the synergistic way the nutrients work together that gives Aloe Vera its healing qualities. As well as a long list of nutrients, Aloe Vera contains seven of the eight ‘essential’ amino acids which the human body needs but cannot manufacture itself. Amino Acids are the building blocks of proteins and are important for every function of the body, especially brain function.

An American nutritionist; Dr Bruce Hedendal suggests the key to Aloe Vera’s healing powers is due to its high content of long-chain sugars known as mucopolysaccharides (MPS), which he says are as essential to the body as bricks are to a house. There has been a lot of research into Aloe Vera, with some studies being more conclusive than others. However the health benefits of Aloe Vera reported below have been witnessed and promoted by Nutritionists, Alternative therapists, and Medical practitioners all over the world.

Much research has supported the claims that Aloe Vera is especially beneficial for digestive health. Dr. Jeffrey Bland of the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine in California found that Aloe Vera promoted movement of food through the bowel, improved bowel regularity, normalised the PH balance in the gut, and reduced yeast content in the digestive tract. It also aids protein digestion, and the absorption of nutrients. Aloe Vera has been promoted by nutritionists as a useful remedy for a number of digestive complaints including; acid indigestion, candida, colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

For over 300 years the gel has been used internally, in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas and the Northern states of Mexico, for the treatment of ulcers. Studies undertaken by clinically experienced practitioners have supported this, but have not been conclusive enough to make a claim Aloe Vera can prevent and help heal ulcers.

Another well researched area of Aloe Vera’s health benefits are its healing properties. It’s a natural antiseptic, antibiotic, and has been found to aid cell regeneration, which makes it a powerful healing agent for both internal and external wounds. A study by Dr Ivan Danhof, a leading expert on Aloe Vera, who has acted as a consultant to the US Food and Drug Administration, noted that Aloe Vera stimulates the uptake of calcium and phosphorus, which can aid the healing of broken bones. Aloe Vera has also been found to be anti-inflammatory and can soothe and relieve muscular pain and sprains, as well as being very effective for burns and rashes. Many alternative therapists advocate its use internally and externally for conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

Aloe Vera gel is also an extremely effective moisturiser which works in two ways. Firstly it has the ability to carry moisture and nutrients down through all the layers of the skin, and secondly it creates a barrier which prevents the moisture from escaping. As well as this it has anti-ageing qualities. Dr Danhof investigated these claims, and found that Aloe Vera increased the production of ‘fibroblast’ cells found in the skin, which in turn stimulate the production of collagen, thus keeping the skin firm and supple.

As if this amazing plant doesn’t do enough Aloe Vera can have a positive effect on the immune system. There has been much scientific evidence which suggests Aloe Vera contains substances which are active both in stimulating the growth of white blood cells which ingest harmful bacteria, as well as stimulating the formation of antibodies.

Aloe Vera has been one of the most studied of natural ingredients, with 3000 articles published about it since the 1920’s. There have been encouraging results obtained when looking at its effect on cancer and AIDS, however they are not considered conclusive as most of the studies have been done on animals. These studies should not be dismissed altogether though as Aloe Vera’s powerful anti-viral properties, and its ability to enhance immune cell production, may certainly also help the body fight against AIDS, and certain cancers.

Aloe Vera is clearly a plant with a wide range of health benefits; it supports the immune system, has anti-inflammatory properties, boosts cell growth, accelerates tissue healing, aids the digestive system, as well as providing a rich source of nutrients. It is certainly a useful addition to anyone’s first aid kit, or indeed their daily diet as a general health tonic.

With so many Aloe Vera products available today to ensure quality there are a few pointers to look out for. The Aloe gel should be listed as the first ingredient, steer clear of any products that state ‘aqua’ as the first ingredient as they are likely to be made from re-constituted powder. Also check the gel or liquid is in a completely sealed container, and lastly look out for the official IASC (International Aloe Science Council) certification on the package.

Please note I am not medically qualified, however I have been interested in nutrition and alternative remedies for around 20 years, and I have done a lot of research into this area of interest.

For more information on Aloe Vera look at:

The International Aloe Science Council’s website where you can find links to certified suppliers at:

Aloe Vera Nature’s legendary healer by Alasdair Barcroft Sovenir press

Internal uses of Aloe Vera by Dr Ivan E Danhof Ph.D M.D

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Tom Hodgkinson on the history of Anarchism
at Port Eliot Lit Fest

The Port Eliot Literature festival is situated on the landscaped grounds of the 18th century Port Eliot House at St Germans in Cornwall. Taking part over three days, the Lit fest attracts a diverse range of performers, and has something for all tastes. Whether you want to catch some music, listen to poetry, see talks by authors about their work, watch films, or take part in a pub quiz, the Port Eliot Lit fest will not disappoint.

One of the people I was most eager to see was Tom Hodgkinson who was talking about Anarchism. Anarchism has had a very bad press, and it often conjures up images of bomb throwers, vandals, and chaos. However while studying politics, I found the Anarchist ideology the most inspiring. Unlike some other political philosophies which suggest people are naturally competitive and greedy, Anarchism puts forward that people are naturally co-operative, and will work together for the collective good with the absence of government and authority.

Tom Hodgkinson is the founder and editor of the Idler, a bi-annual magazine, and author of ‘How to be Idle’ and ‘How to be Free’. He started up the Idler in 1993 as an attack on work as it is. He was working hard for little money and thought there must be another way. He wanted to explore and find ways of reorganising work, so he could be autonomous, and recreate work so it could be liberating instead of soul destroying. In his talk Tom provided a potted history of Anarchism, and the ideas and people behind it.

The philosophy of Anarchism can be traced back to the Taoists. One eminent Taoist philosopher; ‘Laozi’ said the best form of government is a government you don’t really know is there. Another key concept of Taoist belief which has influenced Anarchism, is to ‘go with the flow’ meaning to go through life like a river, travel along paths of least resistance, and create unique and beautiful curves as you go through the land on the way to the sea.

As far back as the 14th century, there were medieval movements similar to Anarchism, such as the ‘Brethren of Free Spirit’ which was inspired by Sufism, the mystical branch of Islam. They believed if you found god, and reached a plane of higher being, ordinary everyday morality meant nothing to you. You could do anything and indulge in the pleasure of luxury.

These ideas later came back in 17th century with the ‘Ranters’ and the ‘Levellers’ who protested against the status quo. The ‘Levellers’ dug up common land as a protest against the enclosure system. The ‘Ranters’ were the most extreme, and had a similar philosophy to the ‘Brethren of free spirit’; you could do anything you wanted, you didn’t even need to work. Their slogan was ‘Bread for god’s sake’, they baked, they didn’t need to work and saw work as a kind of a vanity.

One key stage in the development of the Anarchist philosophy was around the time of the Industrial revolution in the late 18th century. People had to clock in at certain times and often did 16 hours a day. To encourage this there was a concerted campaign by educators, leaders and churches, to convince people that punctuality was next to godliness. In the past when societies were mainly rural, people weren’t used to working around a standardised time, they worked with the seasons, and work depended on the weather.

In the same period William Godwin was a key figure in British Anarchism. He was the father of Mary Shelley (author of Frankenstein) and was married to Mary Wollstonecraft author of ‘A Vindication of the Rights of Women’. William was fiercely anti authority and the consumer society which was starting to develop. He didn’t call himself an Anarchist; this was a label he was given later. At the time the philosophy of Anarchism was more promoted by romantic poets such as William Blake. Lines from his poems such as; ‘the dark satanic mills’ are commonly interpreted as being about the factories taking people’s essential creativity away from them, and destroying their spirit.

Kropotkin was another massive influence on Anarchism. He was a Russian prince who absconded from Russia and settled in Coventry, where he wrote books such as ‘Mutual aid’ and ‘Field factories and workers’ and worked on Freedom magazine. His book ‘Mutual aid’ was not so much an attack on Darwin, but on the uses that Darwin’s theories were being put to. He disagreed with the idea that there is a natural competitiveness and that competition should become the motivating source of society, and indeed relationships. Kropotkin put forward co-operation was just as an important force, and that people were naturally co-operative.

These ideas were coming out around the same time as Marx’s philosophies in the 19th century. This was a period of great political agitation, most probably due to the inequities of Industrial revolution. Kropotkin had more of an influence on the ground, and among others inspired Oscar Wilde, who said Kropotkin was the most cheerful man he’d ever meet.

Kropotkin’s definition of Anarchism (1905) appeared in the Encyclopaedia Britannica:

“Anarchism is the name given to a principle of theory of life and conduct under which society is conceived without government - harmony in such a society being obtained, not by submission to law, or by obedience to any authority, but by free agreements concluded between various groups, territorial and professional, freely constituted for the sake of production and consumption, as also for the satisfaction of the infinite variety of the needs and aspirations of a civilized being. In a society developed on these lines, the voluntary associations which already now begin to cover all fields of human activity would take a still greater extension so as to substitute themselves for the state of its functions.”

People not mentioned too much in Anarchist history are William Morris and Ruskin. They were both medievalists and were interested in how work could be recreated to be enjoyable. Ruskin suggested people go and look at the old cathedrals in Florence, which were built at the time of a free state. People had freed themselves from landlords and created their own communes. The word ‘commune’ was used as the communal good was more important than the individual. They all got together to build these amazing cathedrals.

There is a weird link between Medievalism and Anarchy. When people think of medieval times they often think of ill health, bad teeth, bloodshed, cruelty and torture, and some of these things are true, but it was also a time of a real collective spirit. There was a different approach to life, which had come through the bible and Aristotle’s ethics, which were translated and spread across Europe. These theories talked about co-operation, and contemplation. Aristotle believed a contemplative life was most likely to lead to living blissfully, not the busy rushing around life we are used to today.

There was not enough time to go into detail about everyone who has had an influence on Anarchist philosophy. However Tom was able to briefly mention Tolstoy; a Christian Anarchist and pacifist, whose ideas influenced Gandhi among others. Later in the early 20th century, a key figure was Emma Goldman who created the radical political journal ‘Mother Earth’.

There was a kind of resurgence of Anarchist ideas in the 1920’s and 30’s among people like G.K Chesterton and Hillaire Belloc. They promoted the idea of ‘Distributism’. They believed each person should have their own property, as if they all had an acre of land and were able to be self sufficient; they could free themselves from their reliance on the government, and being a slave to wages. They believed property is freedom.

In the 1950’s the ‘Situationists’ in Europe were another movement fighting the status quo. They were asking what was going on in society, and were very anti work. They were also very artistic and often used art as a way of political agitation. They hung around the streets wearing trousers covered in writing and slogans, and almost had a punky look which later inspired Malcolm McLaren. The ideas and looks of the ‘Situationists’ may certainly have influenced the later punk movement.

In the 1970’s, key figures in Anarchism were Ivan Illich, whose most famous work was ‘Deschooling society’, and E.F.Schumacher who was an economist. He had worked for the coal board for 30 or 40 years, and came out of it with a philosophy that in economics we need to keep things small, when things get too big they get swallowed up into one big monopoly. The same sort of thing is happening now, as many people believe Tescos are getting too big, and has too much of a monopoly. This was what Schumacher was saying in the 1970’s.

Also in the 70’s the Sex Pistols burst on to the scene with their Anarchy and anger. It was a fantastic blast, producing one album, a chaotic American tour, and then they finished. For people sitting around thinking ‘am I alone in thinking life is shit?’ the Sex Pistol’s music enabled them to release their wild side, and got them thinking they could grab hold of their lives again. Punk had a huge impact in England at the time.

The lyrics of their song ‘Anarchy in the UK’ were very powerful and Tom provided us with his interpretation of what they meant. Lyrics such as; ‘property is freedom’ he suggests refers to everyone owning land, and being self sufficient (see Distributionists above). ‘I want to be Anarchy’ is likely to imply they want to encapsulate the whole Anarchist approach to life. ‘Don’t want to be a dogsbody’ is likely to be saying they don’t want to work for anyone else; they don’t want to be a wage slave. ‘I give the wrong time’ Tom interpreted as being about the standardised time of work and meaning ‘I’m going to subvert your capitalist idea of time’. ‘Stop the traffic line’ he believes may be illustrating where we’re going, as the building of roads is an inevitability of civilising our world. Finally the line ‘I use the enemy’ is likely to be about Anarchy itself, as an attack on society as it is, is what Anarchy is all about.

As Punk became more popular it also became more commercial. Crass the Anarchist punk band, around in the late 70’s became disappointed at this commercialism. They had tried to live the Anarchist philosophy for many years. In 1968 two of them had cycled around London and found land where they all started to live together in a commune. They grew their own vegetables, printed their own record sleeves, and took distribution into their own hands, not selling their records for more than 99p. They still live there today.

Today Anarchism still promotes the idea of communal living. Many people are becoming more and more removed from their communities. They travel to do their main shop at the supermarket and may not even know who their neighbours are. The Anarchist idea’s of communal living, communal gardens, shopping locally, and becoming engaged with our local communities may seem like a silly pipe dream, but it is possible, and has been shown to work in the past. For example in the 2nd world war people became more self sufficient, they had allotments, kept chickens, and were generally more involved in community living.

Alternative technology such as wind farms, which were considered to be a bonkers idea 20 or 30 years ago, are now being embraced and we are congratulating ourselves on our green living. Similarly there may be possibilities for Anarchist ideas in today’s society. Tom suggests:

“What was once regarded as impractical and visionary has now becoming eminently practical. If community face to face democracy, a humanistic liberatory technology, and decentralisation are conceived of merely as reactions to the prevailing state of affairs …… a compelling objective case can also be made for the practicability of an Anarchist society.”

Tom finished off with his ‘freedom manifesto’, written for the book ‘How to be free’, to much applause from the audience:

“Death to the supermarkets
Bake bread
Play the ukulele
Open the village hall
Action is futile
Quit moaning
Make music
Stop consuming
Start producing
Back to the land
Smash usury
Embrace beauty
Embrace poverty
Hail the chisel
Ignore the state
Reform is futile
Anarchy in the UK
Hail the spade
Hail the horse
Hail the quill
Love thy neighbour
Be creative
Free your spirit
Dig the Earth
Make compost
Life is absurd
We are free
Be merry”